132 results:
IoT partnership with secunet
Secure networking and
data transmission
IoT projects are often very complex, as a large number of systems are usually involved in the value chain in addition to the physical machine.
Let's assume you want to network your heterogeneous…
Decision support for intelligent remote maintenance
Cross-site collaboration is becoming increasingly relevant - and the pandemic is also reinforcing this development. For this reason, more and more companies are turning to remote maintenance solutions. Remote maintenance means that work is carried…
Device Connector
Alarms & Notifications
Alarms & notifications
Alarms and notifications are used to quickly and proactively alert your employees (especially service technicians) to current device errors and threshold value exceedances. We offer a…
Update Manager
Your Solution for Software Logistics in the IoT Environment
The Update Manager revolutionizes the organization and execution of software updates in the IoT area. Thanks to its seamless integration with various platforms such as ThingWorx, Azure…
Microsoft Azure
Start your Azure success with us.
Your advantages
We accompany you on your way to the Azure cloud: from strategic consulting, migration and development of customized services to continuous optimization and implementation of holistic cloud…
AWS Partner Network
Further Fields of Application for AWS Cloud Services
Start Your AWS Success with Us.
The Benefits of Our AWS Partnership
We support you on your AWS cloud journey: From consulting, migration and development of individual services to continuous…
Amazon Web Services vs. Microsoft Azure
Which Cloud Platform is the Best Fit for Your Use Case?
You have decided that you want to solve your use case using cloud technologies and are sure that the right service will be FaaS (Function as a Service). Then you are now faced with the…
Feature Progression Map
Download Reporting Template for Agile Projects
Good communication is everything, and this is also true for software projects. While agile methodologies significantly enhance communication within the team, external stakeholders can often feel…
Operation & Maintenance
Self-Managing Software
A well-crafted software design not only saves time and money but also provides a significant competitive advantage.
Are you interested in reducing operational costs? Proactively resolving incidents before they…
Requirements analysis for software
What to Expect from Your Software: Insights from a Requirements Analysis
Robust requirements are crucial, and a thorough and professional requirements analysis for software is essential in achieving this. Before starting with the actual…