doubleSlash – building strong partnerships

doubleSlash – building strong partnerships

doubleSlash – together with our partners

The requirements of our customers are diverse and demanding. With strong partners at our side, we can react flexibly and quickly and offer a wide range of services with our shared know-how.

Strong technology partners

Microsoft partner logo

Microsoft is a reliable IoT partner for doubleSlash. Our customers use Azure to manage their applications anywhere and on demand via the global Microsoft network.
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Seal for the doubleSlash aws partnership

The cooperation between doubleSlash as a consultant and system integrator and AWS as a cloud platform provider offers customers holistic expertise for scalable and successful cloud projects.

Partner bill-X

With its core product OpenInformer, bill-X offers a highly flexible and modular software platform for international billing, accounting and cost allocation. Together with bill-X, we implement sophisticated billing processes for digital business models.


We are a proud development partner of the Catena-X network, which is driving forward the digitalization and networking of the automotive value chain. Find out more about how we are helping to shape the future of the automotive industry.

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Partner badenIT

Together in the data lake – a strong partnership with badenIT enables us to support business decisions in a data-driven way and use them for evaluations and marketing campaigns.

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PTC thingworx Logo



Secunet Logo

Securely network your machines and move data into the IoT platform with secunet and doubleSlash.
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Logo unseres Partners Medical Mountains




In Partnerschaft mit Cofinity-X entwickeln wir ein offenes Datennetzwerk für die Automobilindustrie. Entdecken Sie unsere gemeinsamen Innovationen. Mehr erfahren

CarConnectivity Concortium Logo

We are a member of the Car Connectivity Consortium (CCC), which defines and develops global standards for cross-industry and secure solutions for smartphone and vehicle connectivity - currently primarily for Digital Key and CarData.
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Collaborations with industry and science

Partner Hochschule Furtwangen University

As a partner of Furtwangen University, we are intensively committed to promoting young talents. Many of our employees at doubleSlash are graduates of HFU, including managing director Konrad Krafft.

Partner DHBW Baden-Württemberg – Ravensburg

doubleSlash is a dual partner of the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Ravensburg. This partnership and cooperation supports our measures to promote young talents and regularly host DHBW students with a focus on computer science.

Partner KI Bundesverband e.V.

doubleSlash is a member of the KI Bundesverband (German AI Association) with the goal: “AI must serve people”.
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Logo der Kreismedienzentrum

Am 24.10.2023 fand bei uns im SIZ eine Veranstaltung der Kreismedienzentren Ravensburg und Bodenseekreis statt.  Ziel ist es, Medienbildung an Schulen transparenter zu gestalten und weiter voranzutreiben. In diesem Jahr fand der erste sogenannte Update Tag hierzu statt und wir freuen uns, dass wir als Kooperationspartner unsere Räumlichkeiten zur Verfügung stellen durften.

Partner Baden-Württemberg: Connected e.V. – bwcon

With our headquarters in the Lake Constance region, it goes without saying that we’re a member of the business initiative Baden-Württemberg: Connected (bwcon). The aim of bwcon is to promote Baden-Württemberg as a location for innovation and high-tech.

doubleSlash_Partner der DHBW Stuttgart

Als Partner der Dualen Hochschule Stuttgart fördern wir Studierende mit dem Fokus Wirtschaftsinformatik. Während ihren Praxissemestern kommen sie zu uns an den Standort Friedrichshafen und arbeiten in unseren Projektteams vollwertig mit. Wir freuen uns, sie in diesem praktischen Teil des Studiums begleiten zu können.

Partner cyberLAGO e.V.

doubleSlash recently became a member of the cyberLAGO network. Our aim is to combine our know-how to drive regional economic development and play an active part in shaping the future.

Logo JFS

doubleslash ist Mitglied der Java User Group (JUG) in Stuttgart.  Die JUG ist eine starke Community, die sich dem Wissensaustausch, Networking und der Förderung der Java-Entwicklung verschrieben hat. Ihre Plattform bietet Raum für Ideen, Innovationen und den gemeinsamen Erfahrungsaustausch im Bereich Java. Am jährlich stattfindenden Java Forum werden interessante Vorträge präsentiert. Auch wir waren hier letztes Mal mit dem Thema REST-APIs vertreten.


"We create digital value."

We accompany companies during the digital evolution. We develop future-proof software solutions that create long-term added value. We act according to our values and deliver exceptional quality through our experience.

Do you have any questions about our partnerships? Get in touch with us!