Software Factory

Make your vision happen
with software

efficient. safe. sustainable.

The doubleSlash Software Factory

High-quality software development & products for your digitalisation strategy: We think end-to-end when it comes to digital products and work with you to efficiently implement your business processes. Our iterative approach ensures that your digital products are efficient and scalable. On this basis, you can react quickly & flexibly to market changes.


We provide a reliable digital basis to allow you the freedom to shape your business. Sustainability, security, scalability and user-centricity are our hallmarks: doubleSlash Software Creation Chain uses established process models and artefacts which have been developed in-house and continuously improved.





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This is how we work:

You’re experts in your field and have a vision for your business. We’re experts in digitalisation. Together we form a strong union to make your vision a reality

What’s special about cooperation & software development with us ...

Combined with our technological expertise, we bring our very own toolkit to each of our projects – the doubleSlash software creation chain (SCC). The established, continuously optimised methods and artefacts in this toolkit enable us to get on board quickly at any stage of product development and achieve your goal in a high-quality, sustainable standard.
Our projects are a combination of BIS, DEV & OPS:

BIZ Business: You’re experts in your field of business. You have the vision and ideas. During the exploration phase, we work particularly closely together to get a comprehensive picture of your requirements.

DEV Development: We’re experts in digitalisation. We take an iterative approach to software product development using agile methodologies. Your feedback is continually incorporated into our reviews so that we don’t lose sight of your vision.

OPS Operations: Software products never stand still for long. That’s why we always think beyond development to the operation and enhancement of your product. We keep an eye on the entire software product lifecycle. This allows us to react quickly to any adjustments to your goals and visions.

The Software Factory in action

We are so convinced of our Software Factory that we use it in the development of our own digital projects, for example in our Secure Password Share product for the secure exchange of passwords during the software development process.

Discover Secure Password Share

Tested and certified for use in your company

We’re happy to support you in realising your software product visions.

Do you have questions about technologies, frameworks or IT services? Just get in touch – we’ll be happy to talk to you.