Efficient & competitive with IoT

Professional solutions for your IoT project

The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most important technological developments of our time, with the potential to improve and optimise the way we work and live. Connected machines, devices and systems are the basis for digitalising existing business processes and developing new services. However, connecting physical objects to the internet is complex and not easy to implement. It requires experience, specialist knowledge and broad vision.

Portrait Jochen Herdrich
We combine our expertise in software development across many industries with the use of professional and market-established methods and IoT technologies. Based on your individual IoT use case, we can provide a quickly deployable, scalable & future expandable solution - securely and end-to-end (device to cloud). – Jochen Herdrich, IoT Consultant

Let's build IoT together: Your solution with our IoT products

Device Connector

Secure networking and management of your devices are essential and the first important step towards your digitalization.

Device Connector

Intelligent Fault Detector

Professional analysis of device data is crucial for reliable operation, predictive maintenance and effective troubleshooting.

Intelligent Fault Detector

Update Manager

Updates enable you to rectify software errors, improve the quality of functions and integrate new features even after a device has been delivered.

Update Manager

Our IoT solutions at a glance

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doubleSlash is your IoT partner: What you can expect from us beyond our products

  • We have multiple years of cross-industry project experience in the context of IoT and can adapt this to your individual challenges.

  • Our doubleSlash IoT Solution offers a solution covering everything from device connectivity to business idea.

  • We ensure seamless product integration and rapid availability of the solution for you.

  • Our IoT solutions are customisable and can be tailored to individual projects.

  • We deploy established technologies and industry standards (such as MQTT, REST) and work with strong IoT partners (Microsoft, PTC, AWS, secunet and bill-X).
  • We use established process models and tools to reduce the time-to-market of your IoT solution to a minimum.
  • We ensure smooth operation and regular updates.



Discover more of our IoT offers

Our certifications and IoT partners






How can we support you in successfully implementing your IoT project?