IoT Solutions doubleSlash

Strong IoT partners: secunet and doubleSlash

Partnership between secunet and doubleSlash

Secure networking and
data transmission

IoT projects are often very complex, as a large number of systems are usually involved in the value chain in addition to the physical machine.

    Let's assume you want to network your heterogeneous machine park in order to offer service technicians the option of remote maintenance.

    • A holistic IoT solution is the right approach for this.
    Cyber security of digital infrastructures


    The publicly listed IT company secunet Security Networks AG offers comprehensive services and products for the cyber security of digital infrastructures, thereby driving digitalization forward. Since 2004, it has been actively partnering with the German government to improve IT security in Germany.

    secunet is represented in various sectors such as healthcare, industry, aerospace and cloud solutions and works with companies such as CLAAS, Bechtle and Siemens as well as the German Federal Police.

    Secure overall solution for your IoT problem

    The secunet Edge Gateway

    To enable secure remote maintenance in your networked machinery, for example, you need a gateway that can speak a wide range of machine protocols and enables secure access to your infrastructure. The secunet Edge from our partner secunet Security Network AG combines three separate product categories in one solution: it acts as an IoT gateway, is an edge computing platform and also offers a firewall and network monitoring.


    • This makes the secunet Edge Gateway the ideal solution module for not only networking your machines, but also for developing digital services based on them.

    A selection of our certified secunet experts

    Patrick Benkowitsch

    Manuel Sauter


    • We support you in the development and implementation of IoT applications based on AWS or Azure, supplemented by secunet's security-supported IoT Edge Gateway.
    • With our doubleSlash IoT Solution, we offer product components that can be seamlessly integrated into Azure and AWS. Contact us now to find out more!

    Learn more

    Through us

    Secure transfer of your data
    to the desired IoT platform

    You need reliable connectivity from the gateway to an IoT platform, where the data is temporarily stored and processed for further digital services.

    • We support you in bringing the data from the edge gateway into your preferred IoT platform.
    • Our long-standing partnerships with Microsoft and PTC not only provide us with the necessary specialist and technological expertise, but also an eye for the big picture in an IoT integration project.
    Logo secunet
    The partnership between doubleSlash and secunet is a classic win-win situation. Together, we can offer holistic IoT solutions from the end device to data analysis. doubleSlash, with its many years of experience in the design and development of IoT projects, ensures that the greatest possible added value is generated from the data. secunet secures the machines and the communication between "things" and the cloud in the long term. We look forward to developing customized and sustainable solutions together with doubleSlash.

    – Frank Sauber, Head of Sales & Business Enablement, Division Industry
    Contact picture Joan Steidle
    We have an open collaboration with secunet. The partnership is like a perfect puzzle: secunet brings experience in the field of edge gateway and security, we bring expertise in the design and development of customer-specific IoT applications. Together, we develop sustainable solutions for our customers.

    – Joan Steidle, Business Consultant IoT, doubleSlash Net-Business GmbH

    How can we successfully support you in networking your machines?