[Translate to Englisch:] Projektmanagement für IT-Projekte

Agile Project Management

Efficiency through agile project management methods

Business models, sales channels and services are becoming increasingly digitalised through the use of software. 
For the majority of companies, the digital transformation is crucial if they want to continue to be successful in the market. At the same time, IT spending is under close scrutiny with budgets being cut. The goal of agile project management is to efficiently realise your opportunities for business growth within this complex environment.

Optimise the development process with agile software development

Agile project management makes the implementation of software projects more efficient. Strong involvement of the business department ensures acceptance, satisfaction and value creation. Continuous prioritisation of the right requirements in dialog with the stakeholders creates the necessary transparency and minimises project risks.

Agile project management enables you to:

  • Automate development processes: Agile project management helps to optimise and automate software development processes. A key component of agile project management methods such as Scrum is the strong involvement of business departments in the development process. This ensures that priority is given to the functionalities with the highest added business value. ‘Doing the right things, and doing them the right way’ is the motto.
  • Minimise project risks: An iterative approach ensures that ready-to-use software packages are delivered after each sprint. This agile methodology significantly reduces the risk of failure.
  • Create value and increase user satisfaction: The strong focus on the benefits in agile software development leads to greater efficiency in digital transformation. This increases the added value of digitalised business processes and enhances user satisfaction.

"The agile approach proved that successful project work can be achieved within a very short period of time. What we particularly liked about doubleSlash was their competent and pragmatic approach."

Jürgen Birkle //  multi-project manager //  Sparkasse Bodensee


doubleSlash is your partner for agile project management

In agile product development, we focus on empowering all project participants and on automating the software development process to a large extent. This leaves plenty of time for the creative implementation of your business requirements. Through agile project management, we ensure transparency regarding the project timeline, the progress of product development and the costs of the project. 

We adopt an agile approach to software development, working in close collaboration with your IT and business departments. We leverage our experience and agile best practices to support you:


  • Our IT consultants support the Product Owners from the business department in formulating and editing their requirements in the form of user stories. 
  • Our Scrum Masters ensure the smooth running of the team and create transparency across the entire project through continuous reporting. This is achieved using tools such as product and sprint burndown charts.
  • Our developers work in well-coordinated, interdisciplinary teams. They are accustomed to integrating internal or external employees into the development team where required.
  • We practise iterative software development in short sprints, enabling rapid product and market testing for new business models and enterprise software.
  • We provide technical support for agile project management with Scrum using Atlassian's agile tool chain (Confluence, Jira, Bitbucket). 
  • The automation of agile software development in long-running projects is supported by building a continuous delivery pipeline. We work with state-of-the-art open technologies such as OpenShift or Jenkins.

Our Technology Stack at a glance

Learn more


We know from experience that a software project typically doesn’t stand alone but is part of an existing software and process landscape. In developing your product vision, prioritising requirements and making the right architectural decisions, an initial exploration phase known as Sprint Zero has proven to be highly effective.




We support you with the agile process method

From a scrum cooking workshop to introduce agile methods to project management and software development. We support you as a full-service expert in the agile environment:

  • Our coaches bring scrum closer to you in an interactive workshop and help you choose the right method
  • We support your product owners and scrum teams during their first work in an agile project. We adapt the scrum framework to the requirements of your company (start-up support for agile projects)
  • We set up the agile Atlassian tool chain for you 
  • We support you methodically in setting up a continuous delivery pipeline
  • We set up a continuous delivery pipeline for you with Openshift (PaaS)

Our project references

Agile projects at BMW

Several projects have already been carried out together with BMW, such as ConnectedDrive and the product configurator.

This enables agile service development and digitalization of business processes.

To the BMW references

Agile development

The doubleSlash Business Filemanager flexibly adapts to your needs and requirements, providing an agile solution for data transfer.

To the doubleSlash Business Filemanager

Agile starter package 

"The agile approach proved that successful project work can be achieved within a very short period of time. What we particularly liked about doubleSlash was their competent and pragmatic approach."  

Jürgen Birkle // Multi-project manager // Sparkasse Bodensee

To the Sparkasse Bodensee reference

Scrum Cooking

Scrum Cooking helps to convey processes, roles and basic principles of Scrum in an agile cooking project, while at the same time cultivating team spirit. An ideal opportunity for ZF's Innovation Management team to gather inspiration and learn about strategies that can be applied to hardware development.

To the ZF reference

Tested and certified for use in your company


Our Scrum Masters and Product Owners hold scrum.org certification

We’ll be happy to support you in introducing and implementing agile project management methods.

With the right agile methods and the right experts, we’ll lead your software project to success together. Get in touch!