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A fun introduction to Scrum

New development methods in an innovative environment

As a leading technology group in driveline and chassis technology as well as active and passive safety technology, ZF Friedrichshafen AG has a global workforce of around 135,000 with approximately 230 locations in some 40 countries. This places the company among the top three automotive suppliers in the world.

The Innovation Management department deals with developing new ideas as well as the methods for implementing these ideas. To gather some inspiration regarding agile methodology and how it can be used in our own project environment, we held a joint Scrum cooking workshop.

“We saw how important it is for the Scrum Master to manage the process in order to prevent total chaos.”

Katharina Gsteu // Advanced Development, Innovation Management // ZF Friedrichshafen AG

“Switching to the role of Product Owner taught me a lot which I can now apply as a member of the project team.”

Barbara Schmohl // Advanced Development, Innovation Management // ZF Friedrichshafen AG

“Even after the starter, we had realised as a team that it pays to spend more time planning the sprint.”

Joachim Cichy // former Development Engineer, Advanced Development // ZF Friedrichshafen AG

Understand and apply the basic principles of Scrum

Scrum cooking helps to convey processes, roles and basic principles of Scrum in an agile cooking project, all while having fun and strengthening team spirit. For ZF’s Innovation Management team, the main focus was on how a proven method like Scrum can be applied to hardware development.
Thanks to the insights gained from the very productive feedback rounds (retrospectives), the participants were able by the end of the workshop to imagine exactly how the methods could be applied in their own working environments.

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