[Translate to Englisch:] Automatisierter Export von Ersatzteillisten - doubleSlash

Automated export of spare parts lists

Sales and documentation data at the push of a button – always accurate and up-to-date

Zeppelin Systems GmbH represents the plant engineering business unit of the Zeppelin Group with branches and production facilities all over the world. The company has 1300 employees and maintains the world’s largest technical centre network for bulk materials. Zeppelin Systems is constantly working on innovative processes and new technologies in the field of plant engineering.

Depending on their size and design, Zeppelin Systems plants can consist of up to several thousand parts. In the past, lists and quotations for spare and wear parts were created manually by the sales team in a special template. The relevant data was exported from SAP and transferred manually into complex Excel files. Preparation of the data took several days for each customer.

To automate the process, doubleSlash developed a tool which transfers the exported SAP data to the templates automatically and creates customer-specific formats. This saves both time and money.

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Als Anlagenbauer bearbeiten wir anspruchsvolle Kundenaufträge, die eine zum Teil sehr aufwändige Dokumentation von Teilen enthalten. doubleSlash hat für Zeppelin Systems GmbH eine automatisierte Lösung erarbeitet, die Daten aus verschiedenen Quellen in komplexe, kundenspezifische Strukturen bringt und die zu einer erheblichen Effizienzsteigerung führt. Das Arbeiten in wöchentlichen Entwicklungssprints, in denen Zielvorgaben und Zielerreichung kurzfristig abgestimmt wurden, hat uns mit der notwendigen Flexibilität schnell ans Ziel gebracht.
– Andreas Müssle, ehemaliger Geschäftsbereichsleiter Key Components & Service, Zeppelin Systems GmbH

Agile development for quicker results

The Java program developed by doubleSlash automatically converts the basic source data (from SAP, for example) to Excel for further processing.

This is done by aggregating material data from different sources. The sales team can then generate spare parts lists or price lists for individual customers with just a few clicks. The previous method of manual data transfer is no longer required and relieves the burden on staff.

One of the major criteria in designing and developing the tool was ease of use. To enable us to work as closely as possible with Zeppelin Systems, the project was implemented using agile methodology so that any customer feedback could be directly integrated into the development process.


Our services:

  • IT consulting
  • Agile development with Scrum (IT design, software creation and architecture)
  • Project management
  • Excel know-how

Technologies used:

  • Java
  • JXLS + Apache POI for Excel generation with templates (Open Source, Apache 2.0 licence)

  • JavaFX for designing the user interface


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