[Translate to Englisch:] Ideen fördern, Teamgeist stärken

Promoting ideas and strengthening team spirit

Across company boundaries

The success of our projects stems from our values. We pursue our goals together, openly, sustainably and enthusiastically. This is reflected in our commitment to sustainable and social activities, including financial assistance for social organisations, support of school and university projects and sponsorship of sports groups.

Our sponsorship and fundraising projects

Below is an overview of some of the projects we have supported in the past. We’re excited to be promoting team spirit, knowledge building and digital innovation as a way to achieve greater sustainability.

Sponsoring doubleSlash des Fischbacher Halbmarathons

Sponsoring the Fischbach half marathon

In addition to being one of the sponsors, doubleSlash will once again be represented by a group of runners at the Fischbach Half Marathon. Participants can choose whether to take on the 21.09 km half marathon, the 10.4 km ‘Viertele’ (quarter marathon) or a 10.4 km Nordic Walk. There is a separate run for school kids.

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[Translate to Englisch:] 3 Menschen bei der Scheckübergabe

Running and cycling campaign supports children in need

The Kinderstiftung Bodensee is committed to ensuring that all children, regardless of their social, cultural or religious background, have opportunities for education and participation. The children are supported in various areas, including education, culture and sport. They also organise excursions, workshops and leisure activities.

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Cooperation with schools and universities

Collaboration with schools and universities has long been a matter close to our hearts. Our partnerships help to encourage invaluable cooperation between science and business.

Find more about our partnerships here.


[Translate to Englisch:] doubleSlash_Pressebild zur Übergabe des doubleSlah Award

Presentation of the doubleSlash Award for the best degree certificate at RWU

Special achievements deserve special recognition!
We are delighted to present our special doubleSlash award to the student with the best grade in the final year of the Applied Computer Science course at the University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten (RWU).
We are extremely proud of our cooperation with RWU since it is testament to the important connection between science and business. It enables us to promote practical content in the form of talks and guest lectures, as well as support for internships, student traineeships and final theses.

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Gruppenbild Preisverleihung Grundstudium HFU

Award ceremony for the best undergraduate program at HFU

The Faculty of Computer Science at Furtwangen University (HFU) organises a first semester event at the start of each semester. The two students who have completed the best undergraduate program in IT Product Management and General Computer Science are honoured at this event.

As a long-standing partner of the university, doubleSlash has the honour of presenting the award in the field of IT Product Management and congratulating the winners for their outstanding achievements.

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Kooperation von doubleSlash mit Schülern vom Karl-Maybach-Gymnasium

Cooperation with the Karl-Maybach-Gymnasium in Friedrichshafen

doubleSlash has signed a cooperation agreement with Karl-Maybach-Gymnasium in Friedrichshafen to expand its support for young talent. The aim is to give pupils an insight into IT and support them with various projects. The focus is on the after-school Robotics club, which offers pupils the opportunity to explore various different areas of IT.

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