Artificial intelligence

More efficiency for companies

Artificial intelligence (AI) offers companies an effective way to increase efficiency and productivity. Many processes and tasks can be automated with AI, leading to faster and optimized processes and thus to greater competitiveness.

The doubleSlash Software Factory uses AI technology knowledge and enables seamless integration into your systems. Our experts use AI tools without compromising on data security. This allows you to efficiently exploit the full potential of AI technologies.


 Contact picture Danny Claus
Artificial intelligence is changing everything. We use our AI knowledge to ensure that technology always serves people. Find out in our use cases how we drive innovation responsibly with our customers. – Danny Claus, expert for AI & advanced analytics

Our services for you

Take advantage of our expertise to take your digital projects from idea to successful implementation. With our development techniques, we guarantee that your solutions not only meet today's requirements, but are also cost-efficient and future-proof.

  • Optimization of your infrastructure
  • Development of special software
  • Introduction of innovative AI applications



Analytical AI

Data science and business intelligence to make informed decisions.


  1. Data analysis Efficiently process large amounts of data to identify trends and patterns.
  2. Predictive models Use machine learning to accurately predict future events.
  3. Automated decision making Make fast, data-based decisions in real time, ideal for financial markets and supply chain management.
  4. Machine learning Improve your analytical capabilities with advanced learning methods that continuously adapt to new data.
  5. Operational efficiency Increase your efficiency with optimized processes and more accurate analytics that minimize risk and improve performance.

Productive AI solutions with machine learning operations




Generative AI

Generation of new and translation of existing content. Individually and also in your own data room.


  1. Content creation Automatic generation and translation of texts, images, music and videos that comply with your corporate guidelines.

  2. Computer vision Analysis of images and identification of objects in images.

  3. Machine learning Advanced techniques such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) are used to realistically generate data, identify patterns in data, fill in missing information and optimize data structures for improved analysis and processing.

  4. Simulation and modeling Develop complex models for accurate predictions about the behavior of systems under variable conditions.

  5. Personalization and customization Create tailored content to match your users' preferences and behavior patterns.

  6. Complex processing of artifacts Flexibly sequence many actions through chains and agents to increase the level of automation.

Member of the Federal Association for Artificial Intelligence

doubleSlash has been active in the Federal Association for Artificial Intelligence since 2019. The association promotes the development of human-centered AI applications in order to make German companies internationally competitive and establish Germany as a leading AI location. doubleSlash is committed to the European core values and the ethical standards of the AI seal of approval.

Our AI expert Danny Claus was on the podcast of the German Federal Association for Artificial Intelligence on the topic of AI in the automotive sector.

How can we support you with artificial intelligence?