An Oscar-worthy location finder

Using our internet location search tool Postfinder, users can access whatever information they need on postal outlets, mailboxes, packing stations and other Deutsche Post facilities anywhere, anytime. This ranges from simple location queries via postcode, right through to details on individual branches including opening hours and collection times. The web application also provides information on cash points, stamp vending machines and direct marketing centres. In recognition of its excellence, The Postfinder was awarded the World Mail Award in June 2104, also known as the ‘Post Oscar’.


“Thanks to the support and expertise of our long-standing partner doubleSlash, we resolutely managed to achieve our goal of developing an innovative service and POI search ...”

Bruno Sattler // Information Management // Deutsche Post AG

doubleSlash Referenzen, Deutsche Post, Postfinder Startseite

With more than 2 million users per month, the Postfinder is now one of Deutsche Post’s most popular service offerings – via internet or mobile device.

doubleSlash Referenzen, Deutsche Post, Postfinder Ergebnis nach PLZ-Eingabe

Once a postcode or city has been entered, all postal outlets and mailboxes in the vicinity are clearly displayed on a map.

doubleSlash Referenzen, Deutsche Post, Postfinder Detailinformationen

The user can click on an outlet or mailbox to get detailed information such as opening hours or collection times.

doubleSlash Referenzen, Deutsche Post, Postfinder Routenplanung

It’s also possible to navigate straight to the desired post office or mailbox via the route planning function.

doubleSlash Referenzen, Deutsche Post, Postfinder Geldautomaten

In addition to all Deutsche Post postal outlets and mailboxes, the Postfinder provides information on packing stations, parcel machines, cash points and stamp vending machines, direct marketing centres and much more.

Optimal user experience thanks to modern web technologies

The aim of the Postfinder was to provide a modern web application with good usability for the end user. doubleSlash was instrumental in designing and developing the solution. Our competence in efficient handling of complex and extensive datsets was particularly welcome in this project. The high number of accesses required a high-performance, fail-safe system. doubleSlash is still involved in the maintenance and further development of the Postfinder.

Our services:

  • Concept
  • Web technologies and usability
  • Maintenance and support

Technologies used:

  • AJAX
  • Java
  • Oracle

So what can we do for you?