
A. Responsible for data processing

The following is responsible for the processing of personal data within the scope of this website in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

doubleSlash Net-Business GmbH
Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 16
88046 Friedrichshafen
Whone: +49 (0) 7541 70078-0

Our data protection officer at doubleSlash Net-Business GmbH is Christian Schmid. Contact:

This data privacy statement informs you about the processing of your personal data (hereinafter referred to only as "data").

B. Data processing

We process personal data in the course of operating our website. Data processing also includes disclosure by transmission.
Für Datenübermittlungen in die USA existiert ein Angemessenheitsbeschluss der EU-Kommission, das EU-US Privacy Shield. he EU-US Privacy Shield framework agreed by the EU Commission makes provision for the protection of data transferred to the US. In the framework agreement, the Commission certifies that the guarantees for data transfer to the US based on the EU-US Privacy Shield meet the same data protection standards as in the EU. Insofar as we transfer data to the US, we have identified that our service providers participate in the EU-US Privacy Shield.
The specific data affected, purposes of processing, legal bases, recipients, and transfers to non-member countries are listed below:

a)    Log file
We log your visits to our website. In so doing we process the following data: name of the web page you visited, date and time you visited the page, amount of data transferred, browser type and version, operating system you used, referrer URL (the previous website you visited), your IP address and the requesting provider. This is necessary to ensure the security of our website. We process the aforementioned data on the basis of our legitimate interests in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

b)    Hosting
In the context of hosting, all data processed in connection with the operation of this website is saved. This is necessary in order for our website to operate. We process the aforementioned data on the basis of our legitimate interests in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. To maintain our online presence, we use the services of web hosting providers, to whom we transmit the aforementioned data.

c)    Establishing contact and use of forms for requesting online demo test versions
If you contact us or use one of our forms to request online demo test versions, your data (name, contact details, if you provide them) and your message will be processed exclusively for the purposes of dealing with your request. We process this data on the basis of  Article 6(1)(b) GDPR or Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

d)    Applications
If you contact us to send a job application via e-mail or contact form, your data (name, e-mail address, desired place of employment, if provided by you), your message and the application documents submitted will be processed exclusively for the purpose of processing and handling your application request. The legal basis for data processing is Section 26 BDSG (new) and Article 6(1)(b) GDPR. Your application data will be deleted a maximum of 2 months after the end of the application process, but no later than 6 months after receipt of the application. If an employment relationship is established, your data is transferred to the personnel file. The legal basis for this is also Article 6(1)(b) GDPR.

e)    Website analysis and marketing
We use cookies in order to enable the use of certain functions. Cookies are small data packages stored on your terminal device and exchanged with other providers. Some of the cookies we use are deleted immediately after you close your browser (these are known as session cookies). Other cookies remain on your end device, enabling your browser to be recognised the next time you visit our website (persistent cookies). You can delete all cookies stored on your end device and set common browsers to prevent cookies from being saved. If you choose to do this, you might have to make certain settings again each time you visit this website, and accept that the operation of some functions may be impaired.

You can check/adjust your cookie settings for our website at any time using the following link:
Cookie settings

We use cookies in conjunction with the following functionalities:

Matomo (formerly Piwik)
This website uses the open source web analytics service Matomo to analyse the user behaviour of visitors to our website. We currently use a version of the service that does not use cookies. The web analytics service is hosted by an external service provider (hoster). Data collected by the service on this website is stored on the hoster’s servers.

These are:
•    Anonymised IP address of the website visitor
•    Unique user ID (per session)
•    Date and time of the request
•    Time zone in which the website visitor is located
•    Title of the page viewed (page title)
•    Address of the page viewed (URL)
•    Address of the page (URL) viewed before the current page (referrer URL), if available)
•    Screen resolution
•    Files clicked and downloaded
•    Links clicked to an external domain 
•    Loading time of the page viewed
•    Country of origin of the page visitor
•    User agent of the browser used including

  • Browser type
  • Browser language
  • Operating system
  • Type of terminal device used including brand and model

In order to ensure data protection-compliant processing, we have concluded a data processing contract with our hoster. Our hoster will only process your data to the extent that this is necessary for the fulfilment of their service obligations and will follow our instructions with regard to this data. The collection of data serves to optimise our website and its content, in which we have a legitimate interest in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.


Translation of the following external content (as of 15. Feb. 2022):

You have the option to prevent actions you take here from being analysed and linked. This will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and improving usability for you and other users.

Your visit to this website is currently collected by Matomo web analytics. Deselect this checkbox for opt-out.



We use HubSpot for our online marketing activities (contact: HubSpot, 2nd Floor, 30 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland, Phone: +353 1 5187500). HubSpot is used to cover the various aspects of our online marketing, such as:

  • Email marketing (newsletters and automated mailing campaigns)
  • Social media publishing & reporting
  • Reporting (page views, traffic sources etc. ...)
  • Contact management (CRM, user segmentation)
  • Contact forms and CTAs
  • Landing pages

Our sign-up service allows visitors to our website to learn more about our company, download content and provide their contact information or other demographic information.
This information, as well as the content of our website, is stored on servers of our software partner HubSpot. It can be used by us to contact visitors to our website and determine which of our company’s services are of interest to them. All information we collect is subject to this privacy policy. We use all information collected for the sole purpose of optimising our marketing activities.

HubSpot is a software company based in the USA with a branch office in Ireland.

Contact: HubSpot, 2nd Floor, 30 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland, telephone: +353 1 5187500.

HubSpot is certified under the terms of the EU - US Privacy Shield framework and is subject to the TRUSTe Privacy Seal as well as the US - Swiss Safe Harbor framework.

You can check/adjust your cookie settings for our website at any time at the following link:
Cookie settings


Verwendung von Microsoft Clarity

Diese Website nutzt Clarity. Anbieter ist die Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, One Microsoft Place, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, Irland, (im Folgenden „Clarity“).

Clarity ist ein Werkzeug zur Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens auf dieser Website. Hierbei erfasst Clarity insbesondere Mausbewegungen und erstellt eine grafische Darstellung darüber, auf welchen Teil der Website Nutzer besonders häufig scrollen (Heatmaps). Clarity kann ferner Sitzungen aufzeichnen, sodass wir die Seitennutzung in Form von Videos ansehen können. Ferner erhalten wir Angaben über das allgemeine Nutzerverhalten innerhalb unserer Website.

Clarity verwendet Technologien, die die Wiedererkennung des Nutzers zum Zwecke der Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens ermöglichen (z. B. Cookies oder Einsatz von Device-Fingerprinting). Ihre personenbezogenen Daten werden auf den Servern von Microsoft (Microsoft Azure Cloud Service) in den USA gespeichert.

Soweit eine Einwilligung (Consent) eingeholt wurde, erfolgt der Einsatz des o. g. Dienstes ausschließlich auf Grundlage von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO und § 25 TTDSG. Die Einwilligung ist jederzeit widerrufbar. Soweit keine Einwilligung eingeholt wurde, erfolgt die Verwendung dieses Dienstes auf Grundlage von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO; der Websitebetreiber hat ein berechtigtes Interesse an einer effektiven Nutzeranalyse.

Weitere Details zum Datenschutz von Clarity finden Sie hier:

Das Unternehmen verfügt über eine Zertifizierung nach dem „EU-US Data Privacy Framework“ (DPF). Der DPF ist ein Übereinkommen zwischen der Europäischen Union und den USA, der die Einhaltung europäischer Datenschutzstandards bei Datenverarbeitungen in den USA gewährleisten soll. Jedes nach dem DPF zertifizierte Unternehmen verpflichtet sich, diese Datenschutzstandards einzuhalten. Weitere Informationen hierzu erhalten Sie vom Anbieter unter folgendem Link:

Sie können Ihre Cookie-Einstellungen für unsere Website jederzeit unter folgendem Link prüfen/anpassen:


f)    Integration of external content
We use external dynamic content to optimise the appearance and content of our website. When you visit our website, a request is sent automatically to the respective content provider’s website via API. Certain log data (such as the user’s IP addresses) is transmitted in this request. The dynamic content is then transmitted to our website and displayed there.
We use external content in connection with the following functionalities:

aa)    Integration of YouTube videos
We have integrated videos from the YouTube portal operated by YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave. San Bruno, CA 94066, USA ("YouTube") into our website. When videos are played back, log data is transmitted to YouTube’s servers in the US. This processing is carried out on the basis of our overriding legitimate interest in optimising the marketing of our online content in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. YouTube is certified under:
More information:
bb)    Google Maps
Our website uses the Google map service "Google Maps" to provide you with an interactive map. When you display a map, data including your IP address and location is transmitted to Google servers in the US and stored there. This data is processed on the basis of our overriding legitimate interest in optimising the marketing of our online content in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. Google is certified under:
More information on data privacy:
cc)    Google Fonts
In order to make our website more attractive, we use external fonts provided by Google Fonts. The fonts are loaded when you visit the site from servers belonging to Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google"). Google does not store any cookies in your browser. According to the information we have, however, the IP address of the user’s terminal device is transmitted to Google servers and stored there. This data is processed on the basis of our overriding legitimate interest in presenting the website in an attractive and user-friendly manner in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. Google is certified under:
More information on data privacy:

g)    Social-Plugins
We use third-party plugins on our website. They enable you to let your contacts know if you like our website, as well as post links to it or share content. The plug-ins are identified by the logo of the corresponding third-party provider. 
We use the Shariff solution for the provision of plug-ins. This means that data is only transmitted to third-party providers if the user actually activates a plugin. If one of the plugins is activated, data is transmitted by the third-party provider as if you were visiting their website yourself. The purpose and scope of data processing by the third-party provider is outlined in the provider’s privacy policy.

This data is processed on the basis of our overriding legitimate interest in optimising the marketing of our online content in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

The following provider plugins are used on our website:

h)    Cloudflare
We use "Cloudflare" on our website, a service by Cloudflare Inc, 101 Townsend Street San Francisco, CA 94107, USA. Cloudflare processes the following data: Name, title, position, employer, contact data, identifying data, data on professional and private life, and communication and location data (including IP address). This data is processed on the basis of our overriding legitimate interest in optimising the marketing of our online content in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. The data is transferred to Cloudflare’s servers in the USA. Cloudflare is certified under: More information on data privacy:






This cookie is set after login to the WordPress backend.



This cookie is also set after login to the WordPress backend and is used for session management.



This cookie is set by WordPress when you visit the login page in order to check whether your browser accepts cookies.



WordPress saves individual user settings (such as the backend view) in this cookie, which is personalised by the UID.



WordPress saves individual user settings (such as the backend view) in this cookie, which is personalised by the time-UID.





This cookie is set by the WordPress security plugin "Wordfence". It is used to verify the user at login.


This cookie is used by the opt-in privacy policy to ask the visitor to accept cookies again. This cookie is set when you give visitors the choice to disable cookies. It contains the string "yes" or "no".

This cookie can be set to prevent the tracking code from sending any information to HubSpot. It contains the string "yes".

This cookie is used to the banner from always displaying when visitors are browsing in strict mode. It contains the string "yes" or "no".

This cookie is used to record the categories a visitor consented to. It contains data about these categories.

This cookie is used to consistently serve visitors the same version of an A/B test page they’ve seen before. It contains the ID of the A/B test page and the ID of the variation that was chosen for the visitor.
It expires at the end of the session.

When visiting a password-protected page, this cookie is set so that future visits to the page from the same browser do not require login again. The cookie name is unique for each password-protected page. It contains an encrypted version of the password so future visits to the page do not require the password again.

This cookie is used to determine and save whether the chat widget is open for future visits. It is set in your visitor’s browser when they start a new chat, and resets to re-close the widget after 30 minutes of inactivity. It contains a boolean value of True if present.

This cookie is used to prevent the chat widget welcome message from appearing again for one day after it is dismissed. It contains a boolean value of True or False.

This cookie is set when visitors log in to a website hosted by HubSpot. It contains encrypted data that identifies the membership user when they are currently logged in.

HubSpotThis cookie is used to ensure that content membership logins cannot be forged. It contains a random string of letters and numbers used to verify that a membership login is authentic.


This cookie is used to save a visitor’s selected language choice when viewing pages in multiple languages. It is set when a visitor selects a language from the language switcher and is used as a language preference to redirect them to sites in their chosen language in the future if they are available. It contains a colon delimited string with the ISO639 language code choice on the left and the top-level private domain it applies to on the right. An example is "".

This cookie is set by HubSpot’s CDN provider, Cloudflare. It helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to your site and minimise blocking of legitimate users. It can be placed on visitors’ devices to identify individual customers behind a common IP address and apply security settings per individual customer. It is required to support Cloudflare’s security features. Learn more about Cloudflare cookies

This cookie is set by HubSpot’s CDN provider based on their rate limiting policies. Learn more about Cloudflare cookies ( It expires at the end of the session.


This is the main cookie for visitor tracking. It contains the domain, user token (utk), initial timestamp (first visit), last timestamp (last visit), current timestamp (this visit) and session number (increments for each subsequent session).

This cookie keeps track of a visitor’s identity. It is passed to HubSpot software when a form is submitted and used when de-duplicating contacts. It contains an opaque GUID to represent the current visitor.

This cookie keeps track of sessions. This is used to determine if HubSpot should increment the session number and timestamps in the __hstc cookie. It contains the domain, viewCount (increments each pageView in a session), and session start timestamp.

HubSpotWhenever HubSpot changes the session cookie, this cookie is also set to determine if the visitor has restarted their browser. If this cookie does not exist when HubSpot manages cookies, it is considered a new session. It contains the value "1" when present.
It expires at the end of the session.

Provider: doubleSlash (Stefan Galinski Internet Services (
Description: This cookie is needed to check which cookies have been accepted on the page.

C. Duration of data storage

We save personal data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which it is being processed or until you withdraw your consent. Insofar as statutory retention requirements need to be complied with, the retention period for certain data can be up to 10 years, regardless of the purposes for which the data is being processed.

D. Rights of the data subject

a)    Information
You can request information free of charge at any time about all personal data we are holding for you.

b)   Correction, deletion, restriction of processing (blocking), objection
If you no longer agree to your personal data being stored or if your personal data is no longer correct, on receipt of a corresponding instruction from you, we will have your data deleted or blocked or make the necessary corrections (insofar as this is possible under applicable law). The same applies if we are to restrict the processing of your data in the future.

c)    Data portability
On request we will provide your data to you in a commonly-used, structured, and machine-readable format so that you can transfer this data to another controller if you so wish.

d)    Right of complaint
Users have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority:

e)    Right to revoke consent with effect for the future
You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. Your revocation shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on consent until the time of revocation.

f)    Restrictions
The above rights do not apply to data for which we are unable to identify the data subject (if the data has been anonymised for analysis purposes, for example). It may be possible for you to exercise your right to information, right to correction, deletion, blocking or transfer to another organisation of this data if you provide us with additional information that allows us to identify you.

g)    Exercising your data subject rights
If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data or if you wish to obtain information, request the correction, blocking or deletion of your data, exercise your right to object, or transfer your data to another company, please contact:

Use of SalesViewer® technology

This website uses SalesViewer® technology provided by SalesViewer® GmbH on the basis of the website operator’s legitimate interests (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR) in order to collect and save/store data for marketing, market research and optimisation purposes.
This is done using a JavaScript-based code, which serves to capture company-related data and the corresponding website usage. The data captured using this technology is encrypted in a non-retrievable one-way function (so-called hashing). The data is immediately pseudonymised and is not used to identify website visitors personally.
The collection and storage of data can be repealed at any time by clicking here. This prevents SalesViewer® from collecting your data within this website in the future. An opt-out cookie for this website will be saved on your device. If you delete the cookies in the browser, you will need to click on this link again.

Contact regarding the use/deletion of your personal data

If you have any questions regarding the collection, processing or use of your personal data, if you require further information or wish to request the correction, blocking or deletion of your data, please contact: